You know the type, barely more than pups, car full of their mates and an exhaust like a piece of 6 inch wavan pipe hanging out of the badly shaped cutout in the back bumper which wakes the dead every time they turn the key in the ignition. How the hell do their little skanger fillings not fall out of their mouths driving around in their mobile discos?
Not that they actually drive around that much. They seem to gravitate to the nearest convenience store carpark and hang out for the evening, all the little skangers together looking hard as nails and not a bird in sight the little queers.
On the rare occasion they do venture out of the carpark it's to race each other 200 yards down the road and back, usually in the most built up area they can find, hurling abuse at joggers and likes or anyone that dares give them a dirty look through their badly tinted windows.
Not that the joggers would have much to worry about mind you, Wunder Rat's gran in her electric wheelchair would out run most of the skanger bangers. After they've bolted all that crap onto their Toyota Starlet or Honda Civic it's 75 Bhp engine can barely reach the speed limit, never mind break it. Oh the irony that their cars of choice that they choose to hang around looking tough in are usually what you see old age pensioners driving. Fuck off you little prats.