Monday, October 26, 2009


Why do people do it? Why would anyone feel the need to write a live online diary for the whole world to see? Do they just crave attention and need a hug, were they not loved as children? What’s wrong with people today that they can’t just pick up the phone for a chat with a friend or even write an email to someone rather than publishing everything they do, everything they have done and everything they intend to do, online for all to see?

If you have a statement to make to the world then fair enough. If you have some interesting facts to share then let us know. If you are asking your mate if they are going to the pub then pick up the bloody phone, there is no need whatsoever to bring the World Wide Web into the equation!

Dinner parties will soon involve logging into Facebook etc with your TV dinner on your lap while you chat to your friends via pokes, tweets and instant messages while holding up a glass to your skype webcam. How long will it take for the art of conversation to completely die out and we all become social retards, only able to communicate through our keyboards.

I don’t care what’s on your mind, if I wanted to know I’d have asked! Hang on a minute, do you see what I’ve done here…. rats.